
Memo is one of the most popular ways to communicate in engineering world, it is a brief letter, which describes problem or propose solution for one. Or just used to inform employees or boss about something. Memo consists of introduction, purpose, subject of the memo and follow up. Introduction is a brief explanation of purpose and subject of the memo. Purpose is what you want from your audience. Subject could be a description of the problem or solution. And follow up is what is the next step, which you expect from your audience.

Memo was not a big assignment, so there were not much to revise in it. But I cannot say that I did it perfectly well. First of all, I originally placed “From” after “CC”, which is wrong, so I corrected it. After that I have revised my times because there were mistakes where I have put continuous instead of just present or past. After that there were an idea which were repeated twice in a row, and it made it harder to read, so I omitted it. At last, there were some articles problems which I solved.

Revised document: Revised_Memo