Strengthen your source use practices (including evaluating, integrating, quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizing, analyzing, and citing sources).
In the class we worked in APA format, which was something new for me, before I worked only in MLA. It has strict rules on citing. During this class I have learned and strengthened my ability to quote and cite properly. The thing I did not know before is that you need to cite all of the pictures as well. It was hard for me at the start, but as the semester progressed it became easier for me. Below you can find an example of citing pictures using APA format, from my technical description project (Figure 1).

It is especially important to quote and cite properly, so that you do not just steal or plagiarize someone’s work. And it relates not only to phrases but to everything: pictures, music, video. Any kind of work that author uses, but did not do by himself, needs to be cited.