Enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment.
Almost every project during this class required all of those components. Project always starts with research to find the valuable information about the subject. Research is a lot of reading. Proper reading and proper research is a key to a good credibility and good project. Research helps author to understand the subject and to show his audience that he knows what he is writing about. After that, there is drafting. It is unreal to write a project from the first try, especially large one. Firstly, for every project I wrote a draft, then I revised and edited it, and only after those steps I post the final version of the project.
During the course, there were many revising assignments, so not only I revised my work, but also my professor and my fellow students. They wrote comments on BlackBoard and sometimes inside my documents, telling me what I need to revise and why. After gathering and considering all comments, I edited the document. For example, during the technical description project, Abdul has mentioned that I forgot to include my major, which was required. And professor Danielle, said that I did not address the actual name of the toolkit (Figure 1). Considering this information I was able to revise my work and make it better.